For those who are new with us here today, here at NorthRustic.com we take knife blanks (sample photo shown above) and refine materials to create our own handles. We use many types of materials, such as Antler, Ram Horn, Bone, and several Wood variations. We process the material down to scales (refined to shadow the full tang blank) then set the handle materials in the full tang with pins. We have had many types of hunting knife styles, mainly hidden tang and full tang options. As of now, we have a growing focus on Full Tang, as it is the more reliable and durable option for hunting / utility. When we began adding full tang items to our line up, I came across a few karambit blanks. These were never high up on my list of desired knives, until I finish my first antler stag handle Karambit. The way the handle felt in my was something different, the curve in blade and handle flowed in a way I had not yet come to appreciate. Now, after 15 years of loving knives I finally can say my favored hunting blade is Karambit knives. The blade is able to be used in many ways out in the field, and can be held in the hand comfortably either direction. The Karambit is a very unique and versatile option of knife. When I first started taking knife blanks and refining them never did I expect that my journey with North Rustic would lead me from my more traditional style of fixed blade. If you have never had a chance to try out a Karambit knife, I would suggest giving it a go! They are something ever knife owner should consider having one of. The unique feel of these curved blades is unmatched! Thank You For Reading! www.NorthRustic.comDamascus Knives & Natural Wildness Jewelry